
Cloud infrastructure for smart device manufacturers

We are using more and more smart devices everyday. All of them need backend cloud infrastructure to work. But the backend component ecosystem that manufacturers have to deal with is very unorganized and complex today. Founded in 2019, Bytebeam comes into play here to simplify cloud for smart device manufacturers.

Gautam BT

CEO & Co-Founder,

An engineer turned enterprenuer, Gautam has been part of some of India's fastest growing startups such as Flipkart, Ather, Juspay and Hasura.

Bharadwaaj Ramakrishnan


A maker by heart, Bharadwaaj loves working with hardware and embedded systems. At Bytebeam, Bharadwaaj's goal is to address the dearth of good client side SDK's for IoT OEMs. He also oversees hardware development at Bytebeam.

Raviteja K

CTO & Co-Founder,

A strong proponent of Rust & Open source, Ravi builds and maintains open source MQTT libraries for the rust ecosystem. At Bytebeam Ravi oversees all technology development.